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Finding the Right Shoes When You Have Tendonitis

Finding the Right Shoes When You Have Tendonitis

Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons that can develop anywhere in the body. How to treat knee tendonitis or other types of this disease, the doctor determines?

Reasons for development

The pathology under consideration may act as an independent disease, but may relate to the consequences of other problems in the body. Most often, doctors note that tendonitis occurs after excessive physical exertion or against the background of sports injuries. And often the “culprits” of this are the patients themselves – they begin intensive training with unprepared muscles and tendons. For example, symptoms of Achilles tendon tendonitis occur after long runs if you want to lose weight – excessive zeal for positive results always ends sadly. You can visit to shoes for tendonitis and find the best shoes for you now.

If the disease in question refers to secondary pathologies, then it can provoke:

  • improper metabolism;
  • weakened immunity;
  • rheumatism in different stages of the course;
  • infectious diseases, for example, streptococcal etiology;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia

Doctors emphasize that secondary tendonitis can develop only against the background of unstable immunity.

Symptoms of tendonitis

The initial stage of the inflammatory process is practically not manifested in any way. But as the disease progresses, the patient receives complaints:

  • redness of the skin at the site of inflammation
  • pain in the affected area
  • impaired motor function
  • on the formation of subcutaneous nodules

If calcifying tendonitis of the foot progresses, then the patient simply will not be able to stand on his foot. First, he will have pronounced lameness, and subsequently a person loses the ability to move normally.

Chronic elbow tendonitis will have the following symptoms:

  • constant pain, including at rest
  • inability to bend / bend the arm
  • fingers lose their strength – it is impossible to hold even a light object

Treatment methods

The choice of treatment regimen depends on several factors: on the cause of the development of the disease, on the severity of its course, on the specifics of the patient’s labor activity. With timely access to a doctor and qualified treatment, surgical intervention can be avoided. Usually, after the diagnosis is clarified, the patient is assigned complete immobility of the limb. If there is a treatment for tendonitis of the periosteal muscle of the shoulder joint, then the entire upper limb will have to be immobilized, up to the hand and fingers.

Among medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medications should be distinguished. An ointment has an excellent effect – with tendonitis of the patellar ligament of its own, this is the best way to get rid of the pain syndrome and to reduce swelling. Ointment treatment is carried out at home under the supervision of a physician. With timely access to medical help and regular use of the ointment in compliance with complete rest of the limb, the clinical manifestations disappear after 7 days. The inflammatory process stops and a period of remission begins.

An important role in the recovery after the main treatment is played by physiotherapy. In particular, it is possible to return the lost mobility with the help of physiotherapy exercises. True, it is necessary to deal with it according to an individual scheme developed by a rehabilitologist. For example, exercises with knee tendonitis can be aimed at restoring its mobility, or at developing, stretching tendons and muscle structures. If the gymnastics will be carried out competently, then soon it will be possible to return to sports.

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