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Get Ur (Fitness) Freak On! Missy Elliott’s Astounding Weight Loss

Staying in shape and keeping the extra weight and fat off is totally easy when you’re a celebrity, right? Wrong! Sometimes it’s easy to forget that celebrities are humans too, just like us. Take for example the famous rapper and musician, Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott. Like millions of Americans, she also has struggled with maintaining lasting weight loss. After decades of weight fluctuation, her weight seems to be staying put. So how did Missy Elliott lose weight and keep it off?

Get Ur Fitness Freak On! Missy Elliott's Weight Loss

Missy Elliott: Get Ur (Fitness) Freak On!

Yes, the rapper Missy Elliott is perhaps most famous for her early 2000’s hit “Get Your Freak On.” When it comes to fitness and weight loss, it seems Missy is following her own advice. As we all know, different methods of weight loss work for different people. While some Americans find weight loss success with the keto diet, others prefer to eat whatever they want but commit to staying fit by working in adequate workout time at the gym. Still others will take the route of weight loss surgery to achieve their weight loss goals.

For Missy Elliott, keeping her fitness journey simple was the best option. For her dramatic weight loss results, Elliott credits healthy eating as half the battle. The other very important half of the battle? Following celebrity trainer Shaun T’s T-25 workout videos. Get ur fitness freak on, Missy!

Fitness Freak: T25 Workouts

If you want to get in shape and think that getting active is a better choice than restricting calories and limiting your diet, the T-25 workout may work for you like it did for Missy Elliott. Shaun T’s T-25 workouts are designed for people who don’t have lots of extra time to spend at the gym. The T-25 workouts give you a full body workout in just 25 minutes!

For Missy Elliott, achieving lasting weight loss was all about finding the right solution that worked for her unique schedule and body. At the end of the day, if you are really serious about getting in shape you have to find what fitness method works best for you. Sometimes you have to do this by trial and error. Are you the type of person who likes to count calories? Or, like Missy Elliott, do you like to work up a sweat and show off your trained muscles? We wish you all the luck in your continued weight loss journey!

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