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Home remedies for managing back pain

Because of lockdown, all household chores have to be managed by themselves.Cleaning and dusting activities are mandatory to maintain home hygiene.Bending and stretching,moving heavy furniture, lifting heavy things, result in the possibility of back pain. Back pain is often due to damage to muscle, ligament, or spine.Major causes of lower back pain are as follows:

  • Stretched muscles or ligament damage
  • Muscle spasm
  • Degenerated discs
  • Injury

Tips on how to avoid back pain 

  • Carry less weight
  • Maintain proper posture
  • Use proper footwear
  • Keep moving intermittently
  • Keep stretching
  • Avoid pushing, pulling heavy things like washing machines, refrigerators, etc.

Let us discuss quick and effective home remedies on how to get rid of back pain during the lockdown.

  • An Ice Massage

Applying ice over the sore muscles can do a lot of good. While massaging, you need to rub in the direction of the muscles. This will help you stretch as well as massage the muscle. If the soreness is not yet two days old, you need to massage for about 20 minutes several times a day. The coldness of ice numbs the nerve endings, relieving pain. Also, it helps to fight against muscle inflammation. After 48 hours, ice would be of little use. You need to use heat at this point.

  • Maintaina regular exercise regime

Performing exercises and yoga can keep you away from lower back pain.They prove to be beneficial and are simple remedies if practiced daily. Exercise improves blood circulation to the sore area and helps reduce inflammation.

  • Massage with oils

Oils like eucalyptus, pine,lavender,Rosemary,and Lavendula provide relief from lower back pain.Lower back pain treatmentsoothes the nerves and rejuvenates the inflamed area.These oils improve blood circulation.They also work as stressbusters.

  • Heating Pads

Heating pads are available easily at medical shops.You can own a heating pad as they prove to be useful during several ailments.Heating is one of the important therapy in physiotherapy.Heating improves blood circulation in the affected area.An important feature of this therapy is you can use a heating pad all by yourself without waiting for some external help.

It is difficult to consult a doctor at odd hours.You can treat the back pain yourself by applying Moov Diclofenac Gel lotion or ointment as it provides immediate relief.In the case of an acute problem, you can always consult the doctor.It is also a safe way of treatment. All ingredients are made of ayurvedic herbs which help in alleviating neck aches and back pains. Painkillers and tablets may be accompanied by side effects that may not be preferred by elders.


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