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3 Reasons Why Your Shoulder is Hurting


Our shoulders help us with a lot of simple actions every single day. From brushing your hair to reaching for something at the top of a shelf, having flexible and mobile shoulders makes a huge difference to your quality of life.

Unfortunately, shoulder pain, stiffness and even weakness can hamper your daily movements and activities in a big way.

There are several reasons why you could be experiencing shoulder pain but today we will look at three of the main causes.

Top 3 Causes of Shoulder Pain

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries

Your rotator cuff connects your upper arm bone to your shoulder blade and is made up of four muscles as well as several tendons. Bursae are the small fluid-filled sacs that help reduce friction between these bones and tendons.

When you overuse the rotator cuff, the tendons can tear and conditions such as tendonitis can occur. Tendonitis occurs when the rotator cuff tendons are irritated and they become inflamed, causing pain at the front or the side of the shoulder. Activities such as tennis or even painting a room can lead to this type of shoulder pain. Applying a cold compress to the area and taking anti-inflammatory medication can help with this pain.

  1. Rotator Cuff Tears

The first sign of a rotator cuff tear is when shoulder pain starts interrupting your sleep. Lifting your arms over your head and experiencing weakness in one or both of the shoulders could be another sign of this type of injury. The rotator cuff can occur from the simple act of falling down on your outstretched arm or from movements that are repeated over time. Your rotator cuff can also weaken with age. To treat this type of injury, you will need to rest, apply a cold compress and seek out orthopaedic surgeon information online. A specialist will be able to recommend a treatment that would be best suited to your specific needs. If medication doesn’t bring relief, surgery might be required.

  1. Osteoarthritis

When the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones begins to deteriorate, it can lead to pain, stiffness and a condition called osteoarthritis. Deep aches in the backs of your shoulders are a common warning sign of osteoarthritis. As the condition gets worse, the shoulders will also become stiff and you won’t be able to reach behind your back. Simple actions such as threading your belt will also become difficult. The symptoms of osteoarthritis will develop gradually over time, with sports injuries and other activities kick-starting the degenerative process. For other people, the shoulder simply experiences wear and tear over time, which is what eventually leads to osteoarthritis. You can treat this condition in a similar way to a rotator cuff tear – anti-inflammatory medication, cold compresses and the help of an orthopaedic specialist will all help. In severe cases, patients may need to undergo shoulder replacement surgery, which is quite similar to hip and knee replacement procedures. A specialist will be able to advise you on the severity of your condition.

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