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Does GEHACovers Health Drug Rehab Programs?


Addiction is a disease that cannot be achieved alone. Every successful recovering addict will explain that the key to their success lies in the support that they obtain from others. This support wants to start the moment they decide they want help. Finances should not stand in the way of giving help to an addict or alcoholic.

Fortunately, nearly all health insurance plans now cover addiction treatment. Garden State Treatment Center has admission specialists who are knowledgeable about your insurance plan. GEHA Health is one plan that they frequently work with, and GEHA health drug rehab programsprovide a full range of mental health and substance abuse treatment in many of their plans.

What Social Health Conditions Are Covered By GEHA Health Plans?

Alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and mental health disorders are all categorized as interactive health conditions. Under the terms of your GEHA health plan, if you have been identified with one or more types of social health sickness you will be qualified for health insurance analysis. The analysis must be made by a skilled medical professional, using suitable diagnostic standards.

As long as this requirement is met, GEHA health drug rehab programsmust aid you to pay for the treatment thought necessary by medical professionals. GEHA health plan instructions treat substance abuse problems and mental health problems the same as any other type of physical illness.

Does GEHA Health Plans Cover Rehab?

Even if your GEHA Health Plan covers detox, it may not cover the cost of rehab. In some cases, one of these health plans may refuge some parts of rehab but not all of it. Whether you are covered may be contingent upon your coverage category. If you have the GEHA High Options Benefits plan, for instance, you may be covered for rehab. Coverage may also vary according to the type of facility providing your rehab treatment.

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