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Ketogenic diet benefits

Ketogenic diet benefits

Choosing a ketogenic diet for diabetes management offers a range of valuable benefits.

Research shows that being in a state of nutritional ketosis notably leads to significant improvement in blood glucose control and weight loss.

Other common benefits provided include:

  • Reduced dependence on medication
  • Improvements in insulin sensitivity
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Usually improvements in cholesterol levels

In this guide, we review the science behind the ketogenic diet and how it works to provide all of these different benefits.

Weight loss and maintenance

A primary benefit of the ketogenic diet is its ability to achieve rapid weight loss Restricting carbohydrates enough to be in a state of ketosis leads to both a significant reduction in body fat and an increase or retention of muscle mass.

Studies show that low-carb, ketogenic diets are able to achieve strong weight loss over an extended period. An Australian study showed that obese people were able to lose, on average, 15 kg over a period of a year. This was 3 kg more than the low-fat diet used in the study achieved. [214] [215]

Blood glucose control

The other main reason for people with diabetes to follow a ketogenic diet is its ability to lower and stabilise blood sugar levels

Carbohydrate is the nutrient (macronutrient) that raises blood sugar the most. Because ketogenic diets are very-low in carbohydrate , they eliminate the larger rises in blood sugar.

Studies into ketogenic diets show them to be very effective at reducing HbA1c – a long-term measure of blood glucose control. A 6-month study ran by Eric Westman and colleagues in 2008 showed an average reduction in HbA1c levels of 17 mmol/mol (1.5%) for people with type 2 diabetes.

People with other types of diabetes, such as type 1 diabetes and LADA , should also expect to see a strong reduction in blood sugar levels and an improvement in control.

Note that if an improvement in blood glucose control is maintained over a number of years, this can reduce the risk of complications occurring.

It is important that anyone on insulin, or otherwise at risk of hypos , takes precautions to prevent hypos occurring. Speak to your doctor for help with this. [216] 


READ IT HERE : https://www.diabetes.co.uk/keto/keto-diet-benefits.html 

Reducing reliance on diabetes medication

Because they’re so effective at reducing blood sugar levels, ketogenic diets have the additional benefit of helping people with type 2 diabetes to reduce their dependence on diabetes medication

In the study by Westman mentioned above, 95% of the people in the study were able to reduce, or come off completely, their diabetes medication.

People on insulin and other hypo-causing medication (such as sulphonylureas and glinides ) may need to reduce their doses in advance of starting a ketogenic diet to prevent hypos. Speak to your doctor for advice on this.

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