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Best exercises to improve stamina


Endurance exercise, or aerobic exercise, is one of the four types of exercise; the others include strength, balance, and flexibility. The average person should incorporate all four exercise types into their workout routine. However, they need not all be performed in the same day. Rather, alternating foci can add variety to your exercise regimen.


Cycling doesn’t have to be a tour de force at the Tour de France. People at all fitness levels can benefit from this endurance-building intervention.

Endurance exercise keeps the lungs and circulatory system healthy, and enhances overall fitness. Consequently, people who engage in endurance exercise can decrease their risks for many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Outside of clinical supervision, any endurance exercise regimen should have three goals:

  1. It is aerobic, and it uses major muscle groups repetitively for a sustained amount of time.
  2. It is performed for 30-60 minutes, 3-5 days a week.
  3. It is something you enjoy doing regularly.

Let’s look at six types of endurance exercises that can improve your stamina, strength, and overall health.


Walking is simple, free, and flexible. Plenty of walking options exist, including the track, the street, the forest, the mall, and the treadmill. You can vary the intensity of walking to match your fitness level. Other than walking shoes, this exercise does not require any special equipment. (But you can always splurge on walking poles for added stability on rough terrain, if so inclined.) Walking is a good first choice when starting an exercise program. It is also a good choice for exercisers with joint problems.


read the full article here : https://www.mdlinx.com/article/best-exercises-to-improve-stamina/lfc-4133

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