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How Much Weight Do I Need for Dumbbells?


Using dumbbells, or free weights, in your exercise program yields benefits such as strengthening and toning targeted muscles and muscle groups. Using dumbbells may also increase your muscular and cardiovascular stamina and endurance.

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However, you must use dumbbells properly to reduce your chance of injury. Factor in poundage, the number of repetitions and your overall health and exercise experience when choosing dumbbell weights. Consult your doctor before beginning any new weightlifting or other exercise regimen.


When you choosing the proper weight, find a pair of dumbbells that feels comfortably challenging. You should be able to finish all of your reps with good form. If you're fatiguing halfway through a set, choose a lighter set.

Read more: Kettlebells vs. Dumbbells

Form and Technique

If you've never used dumbbells before, it's best to start with lower weights so you can adjust to the shape of your dumbbells, become accustomed to holding them in your hands during exercise and learn proper form and technique before advancing to heavier weights. Practice an exercise like an overhead shoulder press without weights, then with light weights.

You'll notice that the exercise itself is more difficult, and that you need to engage more muscles to help you lift that weight. Concentrate on holding your stomach in and using good posture and body mechanics lifting a 2- to 3-pound dumbbell to start.

Poundage for Beginners

Beginners should use light dumbbells to prevent injury or strain to muscles and joints, ligaments and tendons. If the dumbbells feel light to you, increase your number of repetitions or sets. For example, a beginner should start with 2- to 3-pound dumbbells in each hand and perform up to 12 or 15 repetitions of e


READ THE FULL ARTICLE : https://www.livestrong.com/article/344995-how-much-weight-do-i-need-for-dumbbells/

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